Dewesoft offers four different time axis export options, whose differences are explained on a simple example in this solution.

In the following example a simple Formula which generates time was used. The storing settings was set to "Fast on trigger" with start trigger at 1 s and additional "pre-time" for 500 ms. 

1. Absolute Time

When this option is selected the time will be exported in absolute time format - "DD.MM.YY hh:mm:ss:ms". 

2. Relative Time

When this option is selected, the exported time will start at the beginning of the data file. In the example this is at 0.5 s, because of the added pre-time.

3. Trigger time

When this option is selected, the exported time will be set to zero at the trigger position. As the pre-time is added in the example, the exported time starts at -0.5 s. 

4. Zero(Pre) Trigger time

When this option is selected, the exported time will be set to zero at pre-time.