Description of the problem
What are all the shortcuts in DewesoftX which would help with software interaction?
Description of the solution
There are different types of shortcuts: Basic, action based and widget specific shortcuts.
Basic shortcuts:
- F1: Help
- CTRL + F: Fullscreen
- ESC: Exit Fullscreen
- F2: Channel setup
- F3: Measure mode
- F5: Start storing
- F6: Trigger
- F7: Stop storing
- SPACE: Keyboard event
- N: Notice event
- C: Cursor event
- V: (Triggers) Voice event
- CTRL + ALT + F: Switch freeze mode
- CTRL + SHIFT + P: Show performance monitor
- F8: Pause storing
- F12: Show settings
- CTRL+D: Design mode*
- CTRL + Z: Undo*
- CTRL + Y: Redo*
- CTRL + SHIFT + I: Channel info
- CTRL + SHIFT + T: Render time info
- CTRL + SHIFT + R: RT sequencer debugger
- CTRL + SHIFT + D: Event viewer
- F5: Rescan devices**
- CTRL + SHIFT + C: Calculation Delay
- CTRL + SHIFT: Overload
- CTRL + SHIFT + S: DST testing
- CTRL + A: Select all widget
- CTRL + X: Delete all selected widgets
- CTRL + C: Copy all selected widgets
- CTRL + V: paste all selected widgets
- CTRL + G: Group all selected widgets
- CTRL +SHIFT + G: ungroup all selected widgets
Keyboard functions for Auto-scaling
- Left-click: Auto scale the selected channel to the current min and max value
- CTRL + Left-click: Select all channels assigned to one widget and scale the Y axis to the same maximum and minimum (highest and lowest estimated value within all channels)
- CTRL + ALT + Left-click: Select all available channels in one widget group (can be more than one widget) and scale each channel to the same maximum and minimum
- CTRL + min/max combo box: change the max/min value of Y axis to the defined custom values for all of the assigned channels on a single widget
- CTRL + ALT + min/max combo box: change the min/max value to the defined value for all of the assigned channels in one widget group
- SHIFT + Left-click: Scale the selected channel symmetrical around zero ( ± values are the same)
- CTRL + SHIFT + Left-click: Scale all available channels symmetrical around zero (all ± values are the same)
- CTRL + SHIFT+ ALT + Left-click: Select all available channels and scale each channel symmetrical around zero (each channel to its own ± value)
- Right-click: Undo auto scale for the selected channel (see also above)
- CTRL + Right-click: Select all available channels for the undo auto-scale
- SHIFT + Left-click+ slide with mouse across graph: Zoom in on the selected area (available in Freeze mode in Measure and in Analyze mode)
Y scaling in graphs such as FFT and Recorder
- CTRL + Left-click: Move Y axis up and down
3D graph
- Pressing & holding the left mouse button: Rotate the three-dimensional view
- Scrolling mouse wheel; pressing SHIFT and left mouse button, whilst moving the mouse up or down: Zoom the display in or out
- Right-click whilst moving the mouse: Rotate the graph around the display plane***
- CTRL + ALT + D: Debug info
3D model
- CTRL+ALT+A: Change coloring on the next
- CTRL+ALT+S: Change coloring on the previous
- CTRL+ALT+Q: Invert colors
Text Box
- CTRL + A: Select all
- CTRL + X: Cut selection
- CTRL + C: Copy selection/widget properties
- CTRL + V: Paste from the clipboard
- CTRL + B: Bold selected text
- CTRL + I: Italicise selected text
- CTRL + U: Underline selected text
- CTRL + Delete: Delete the next word
- CTRL + Backspace: Delete the previous word
- CTRL + Home: Move to the beginning of the text widget
- CTRL + End: Move to the end of the text widget
- CTRL + Left Arrow: Move the cursor one word to the left
- CTRL + Right Arrow: Move the cursor one word to the right
- CTRL + Up Arrow: Move the cursor to the line above
- CTRL + Down Arrow: Move the cursor to the line below
- CTRL + SHIFT + A: Change all characters to capitals
- CTRL + SHIFT + > :Increase font size
- CTRL + SHIFT + < :Decrease font size
Tabular values display and Overload indicator
- hold SHIFT + Left-click: Resize all columns on right
- hold CTRL + Left-click: Enter scroll mode
- Left-click: Move across the map
- Middle button click
- 2D: Zoom in and out
- 3D: Change view over the globe
For exporting multiple files
- To mark consecutive files, hold SHIFT after pressing the first file and while pressing the last chosen file.
- To mark several nonconsecutive files, keep the CTRL button pressed during file selection.
* Can only be used if Enable undo shortcuts in design mode (UI) is enabled (can be found in Settings → Advanced→ Experimental)
** Is found only in Settings, Devices
*** Is not implemented
Some basic shortcuts can be modified in the settings menu:
Some additional shortcuts can be enabled in the Advanced settings:
Additional information
Pika Kreča Šmid, 12.06.2023